
Join us halfway across the planet in one of the most exotic landscapes in the world in January and/or next June.

Towering red dunes… petrified skeleton trees… a ghost town overrun with sand… cheetahs… meerkats… a helicopter ride over the red desert… and more!

You'll witness the unparalleled beauty of the Namib Desert… discover the haunting elegance of Kolmanskop — Namibia’s iconic ghost town—whose streets and buildings are carpeted with waist-high sand… photograph the stillness and grace of 900 year-old trees, surrounded by the highest sand dunes in the world... marvel at the darkest night sky in the world... and do it all in the company of other photographers willing to stop and start at all the best-light times for photos.

To get on the wait list for this trip, please add your contact details below.

Note: Adding your name to this list does not commit you in any way. It’s just an easy way for me to send more details to those who want them without bothering those who don’t…

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